Special seat was constructed from PET(b)rick 1.0. This prototype was functionally exhibited at the EXPO 2015 in Milano from 15th of May till 25th of October. From 3 pieces of furniture we expanded on 17 pieces of PET(ch)air. The boxes had 0,45m in all directions. They were originally enlightened by lights from IKEA. Next version of PET(ch)air had solar panels and batteries and tested self efficiency. Also interactivity was tested by implementing Bretboard with spark and power management + wifi wire. The boxes than reacted on activity of visitors in a web-application.
EXPO at night

Newly: the benches are unplugged again! We use the cut brick inside to implement batteries which are charged by solar panels. (Look at the blue brick.) After 4 months of heavy use by visitors of EXPO, the PET(ch)airs keep functioning 17 of 17 together, 16 of 17 shining.
Newly: the benches are plugged. Therefore there is no need for a service any more, battery change etc. An observation showed that the seats are used as seats together with that they raise interest in the public.
//PET(ch)air is exhibited in the Czech pavilion at EXPO 2015 in Milan – in the second floor. It was never chosen for an exhibition, officially it is a bench. But it nominated itself to be part of the exhibition.
//Jsme vystaveni v expozici českých umělců mezi Rittsteinem a Neprašem v českém pavilonu na EXPU 2015 v Miláně, našim PET(ch)airs to tam moc sluší. Poblikávají tam skryté před deštěm a mají se zatím dobře.
Testujeme zeď a lavičku, dnes jsme ji pokusně svázali pomocí vlasce. Ještě nemá víčka, očekávají se v pondělí. Svazování šlo dost bez problémů, doopravdy lze testovat nyní jen světla.
Nemáme víčka, ale přišel zbytek lahví, takže máme model naší lavičky!